« vorigevolgende » ITESS Mathematics Numbers and Proofs Logic
Write as logical formulae

Write the following statements as formulae in propositional calculus (using propositional variables and connectives). Clearly indicate the meaning of the variables!

a) $x$ is a natural number and $y$ is a rational number.
b) $x$ is not a natural number or $y$ is not a rational number.
c) If $p$ is a prime number and $p>2$ then $p$ is odd.
d) if $x^2-x-6=0$ then $x=-2$ or $x=3$.
e) if $x=-2$ or $x=3$ then $x^2-x-6=0$.
f) if $x=\not-2$ and $x=\not3$ then $x^2-x-6=\not0$

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« vorigevolgende » 23 februari 2020 - Lesbord door Erik Menzel